
Here you can download and evaluate various projects I have worked on. If you like what you see or you want to know more, feel free to send me an email at

College Projects

2011 • Checkers Program: It’s the computer versus the human in a game of checkers! Difficulty should not be set higher than 3 or 4 or the game will become very slow. Programmed in C++.

NOTE: If the computer is not letting you make a move, check to make sure there are no jumps available. Remember, you must jump if you have to!

2010 • Chat Program: A simple chat program which allows multiple users to chat with each other over the internet. At the moment it is not working, as I am not hosting the server that was relaying the chat messages and have no plans of putting it back up in the near future. However, you may download and evaluate the source to the program below to see the code I was running for the server. Programmed in Java.

2010 • Chat Program Source Code: Source code for the chat program.

2012 • Black Jack: Another relatively simple program where the computer plays the human in a game of Black Jack. Programmed in Visual Basic.

Game Jams

2014 • Stuxnet:
Stuxnet was built during the 2014 Global Game Jam using Unity’s new 2D editor by a group of six people who, for the most part, met each other for the first time about a half hour before the game jam started. In Stuxnet, you play as a computer virus which is attempting to take over the world.

2013 •
Ruralopolis was developed by team Frog and Toad as part of the 2013 Indie Speed Run. After making the terrifically terrible decision to roll the danger dice, we were forced to develop a game using a theme of ‘monatization’ and an element of ‘currency’. Ruralopolis is the result – in the game, you are the chief of a village which desires a new currency. Choose the proper set of currencies to influence your villagers’ mood to defeat Satan!
The version posted here has several major bugs fixed that were present in the final speed run build.

2014 • Play Tetris!
This was a very early foray into Javascript.